Land holdings

The Native Land Conservancy holds title to over 65 acres across 6 towns. While “landownership” provides us with greater opportunities to care for these lands, we understand our relationship to the land is familial.

Wampanoag Common Lands


32.4 acres in the rare Atlantic Coastal Pine Barrens ecoregion

Dorchester Brook


14.4 acres of red maple swamp with a winding path along white pines and a stream

Simpkins Bog

Yarmouth Port

10.8 of naturally restored bog, featuring a tupelo grove, and a stream

Wakeby Islands


Three islands anchored on Wakeby pond and totaling over 2.6 acres

Wakeby Preserve


0.3 acres of holly and locust woodlands overlooking Wakeby Pond

Tall Pines


1.4 acres of pine and beech woodlands resting on rocky moraine

Mills Preserve


Six wood lots fragmented along the shore of Santuit Pond

Aquinnah Circle


3.3 acres of the Gay Head Cliffs and the iconic Aquinnah Restaurant and Shop​

Donate your land

A gift of land is generous to be certain but also benefits the donor with tax advantages including lowering or eliminating property taxes, reduced federal income tax, lowering or eliminating capital gains tax, and minimizing estate tax.